Individual Run or Walk

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Foster Park, Rolleston 


The Selwyn Running Festival is back in 2023 and it will be based at Foster Park in Rolleston and renamed the Selwyn Stampede!

The Stampede course is a 5km loop around Foster Park and into Faringdon subdivision.

There are 1km, 5km, 10km and half marathon categories and both a corporate challenge and team relay option.

Individuals will form a massive part of the Stampede in both the walking and running categories, and there is also a team catergory for families!

Sunday 12.11.23

Start Times

Half-marathon & Relay start: 8.00am (briefing 7.50am)

10km start time: 8.30am (briefing 8.20am)

5km start time: 9.00am (briefing 8.50am)

1km kids dash start time:  9.30am (briefing 9.20am)

Training Challenge

If you enter the Selwyn Stampede before 1 October, you are invited to join the Road Runners & Walkers for free for the month of October to build up your fitness for the main event!  For more information on when and where the Road Runners & Walkers meet, please click here.

Course Map​​​​​​​

Course Information

Starting on Goulds Road adjacient to Foster Park. Head down Goulds Road turning left onto East Maddison Road.

Follow East Maddison Road turning left on Meadows Drive and then take the next left on to Charlbury Drive.

Heading along Charlbury Drive, you take a right turn into Leadbury Drive.  You follow Leadbury Drive until you hit Hungerford Drive.

Hungerford Drive will take you back towards Foster Park.  You'll need to cross Dynes Road to joing the Foster Park running trail.  You follow thie trail back through Foster Park, acoss the small footbridge and back towards the start/finish line!

Start Times:

Half-marathon & Relay start: 8.00am (briefing 7.50am)

10km start time: 8.30am (briefing 8.20am)

5km start time: 9.00am (briefing 8.50am)

1km kids dash start time:  9.30am (briefing 9.20am)

ProBuild ITM Kids 1km Dash (Under 13)

5km Challenge (Run or Walk)

10km Challenge (Run or Walk)

Half Marathon 21km (Run)

“A run or walk for everyone”

2023 Stampede Partners